星期三, 3月 22, 2006

想要中文健行資料何處尋? 這裡有

小莊花了許多時間想要幫 Krishna 宣傳。實在是這一路上 Krishna 和他的雪巴(Sherpa)們對我們照顧可說無微不至,令我們總想為他們做些甚麼。

再加上許多朋友都黏著小莊打探健行的消息,於是乎小莊和友人一起幫 Krishna 製作了這樣的中文頁面。真的值得大家去參考一下。 請按我

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

哈~ 我好像很久沒有交作業了!


匿名 提到...

Dear Mr. Kenneth,
Are comments in English accepted?

If any comments, news, suggestions can we exchange, would be really great!

Thanks a lot.


匿名 提到...

Dear Krishna,

Long time, no see.

Comments in English are welcome. Any suggestion to exchange information between us ?

I think it's a great idea.
Have your nice day and wait for your replay. :)

匿名 提到...

Dear Mr. Kenneth,
How are you?? I thought I posted one of my questions. But I think I didn't post it. I would like to put one of my little comments on backpackers.com.tw I can see there that people do use Eng as well instead of the Chinese only. My comment is: " The airfare for Kathamndu - Pokhara sector was US $ 36 some 27 years ago". Thats it. I want people know the truth!!Thanks a lot.